

Spotter’s Guide to Warbird Aircraft

by Dan Linn

Take this book along to a museum or airshow to help identify the aircraft. This guide includes an introduction to an airshow and how to be alert around the aircraft. Details of each aircraft listed with full color photos. When at a show be sure to have the pilot sign his name by the aircraft he flies.

Vintage Inspired Prints & Posters

SNJ Texan Poster

SJN Texan Print


Curtiss Warhawk Print $26


Black Widow Print


Ryan ST Poster


Time Flies Racer Poster $36


Vintage Inspired Watches, Books & More

AVI-8 Watches

AVI-8 timepieces seeks to honor both the aircraft and the untold story of the airmen who have dedicated themselves both in and out of the cockpit to bring these incredible machines to life. 

Breckenridge Warbrids

A photographic journey to the Warbird Airshow in Breckenridge, Texas. Breckenridge Warbirds features the stories, memories and over 170 photographs of this unique show.

Aviation's Enduring Classics

Let’s go back to another time.  A time when airplanes were basic and the skies were less crowded. Back in the 1940s and 1950s airports around America were populated by some of the most memorable classic airplanes to ever grace the skies. So memorable, that pilots today can easily identify these well known airplanes.

Aviation Advertisments

Our library is full of of 1930s, 1940s and 1950s aviation advertising. These make great art for the office and hangar. We offer for sale a wide variety of original advertisements from aviation magazines. We also offer digital scans of the ads. Email us what the airplane type you would like and we will search our inventory.

Contact Dan Linn